
Strassenverkehr Schweiz

People living in modern societies need mobility for both business and pleasure. Mobility is now taking on new dimensions. Increasing numbers of road users are covering longer distances more frequently. All the options for freedom of movement will be important in the future too.

The publication Strassenverkehr Schweiz reports on all areas relating to road transportation, their problems and solutions. People in politics and business are asked for their opinions on pressing issues. In a reader-friendly way, Strassenverkehr Schweiz conveys information about political and economic developments, technological innovations and trends.

A clearly structured yearbook filled with information, Strassenverkehr Schweiz functions as a reference book.

Decision makers and opinion leaders in all relevant areas of political and business worlds.

Total circulation

Publication frequency
Once per year, in November


Contact Strassenverkehr Schweiz

We are available to respond to your questions or wishes regarding advertisements, marketing, or content.
Thomas Riedmann
+41 71 314 04 28
Moira Vincenti
+41 71 314 04 84

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